The Week That Is ...

After my fun-filled Saturday, I've had a pretty cruisy week thus far. Three failed attempts to catch up with One Particular Boy from Saturday night, work and lots of internet-ing. Far too much of the latter actually. Tsk tsk.
One Particular Boy and I spoke of going to the movies on both Monday and Tuesday nights, but he's been working far too much overtime and, bless his socks, he's been getting home feeling too tired to go out. Then last night was State of Origin (and we shall not mention that again!) and we were going to catch up, but his dad turned up at the wrong time and it just wasn't going to be worth him coming up my way. Ho hum.
Tonight I'm going to see Wil Anderson which I'm really looking forward to. After my ticket dramas (ie. I lost it!) it's handy to know that the venue accommodates for fools like me, and I've been instructed to collect a 'Lost Ticket Pass' - here's hoping it's not something huge and embarrassing that draws attention to the fact that you can't keep track of one piece of cardboard for a mere couple of weeks! It'll be a fun evening, I'm sure. Hopefully I'll have nice people sitting near me, as I'm going alone. I've missed out on too many events in the past by trying to organise people to come with me, so I bit the bullet this time and opted for a date with myself.
Tomorrow night we have EOFY ('End of Financial Year' for those not up, or is it down, with the lingo) drinks for work. Now THAT will be fun. Especially with no boyfriend at home waiting for me/worrying about me. Let's not go there though, this is supposed to be a happy post ;)
There's a possibility I'll get to see One Particular Boy tomorrow night too. So please please please keep your fingers crossed for me. I Like this one and am super keen to see him again. Oh. Crap. I said 'Super Keen'. About a boy. Hmmm.
I shall run along now, and try and rid the thoughts of One Particular Boy from my mind (ha!). After all, I'm supposed to be having a year of being single ...


Archana said...
July 3, 2009 at 6:11 PM

Just happened to come across your blog via 20sb. :) Good luck with the one particular boy. We've all been there where we become "super keen" on seeing a particular boy again - no matter how hard we try to be nonchalant about it. :P It's nutty how they can keep running through our minds! Oh men. Heh.

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