A Moment of Vanity ...

Last night, I made the decision that this morning I would return to the gym.
Then I had a strange night's sleep, although short as I went to sleep later than usual, but still woke up fairly early, and woke up feeling a little less enthusiastic than I was feeling at 10pm.
Peeling my eyes open to check the time on my phone, I thought 'Yep, I can still make it, I just won't do the class'. My body disagreed and the mind/body argument ensued. During this internal battle, I concluded that the only way to settle this was to let my hair decide.
You think I've gone nuts now, don't you?
See, no matter what length my hair is, I always end up with bed hair. Bad bed hair.
I sat up, and looked in the mirror. Frightful. I combed it to an almost public-worthy state, but realised I still have a big foof of hair at the back that clearly says "I've just woken up". I considered just going for a walk so I got *some* exercise, but decided 'Nope, not even acceptable for that'.

So much for making the most of my late starts, and going to the gym to keep myself in shape for winter. I mean, it's important that I look good before I even hit the treadmill, right?

Sometimes I really worry about the thoughts that run through my brain. I'm far too good at making up excuses ...



Leila said...
June 2, 2009 at 8:19 AM

Just do it. Get up and get your butt to the gym. You'll feel so much better for it. I'm back to the gym today after a two week hiatus.

Gemma said...
June 2, 2009 at 8:55 AM

I know. I really have to. Bugger the hair. I will do it tomorrow. Just for you Ms Leila :)
(Will be back to after work workouts next week, I'm looking forward to my weights guidance ;))

Anonymous said...
June 2, 2009 at 9:54 AM

Ha:) every one needs to adopt that philosophy. I look terrible. I mean, everyone there knows I literally had to drag my ass out of bed. I am so glad i remember my shoes and deoderant!

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