Travel Bug

I've not yet been bitten by the travel bug, but it's certainly been niggling at me. Unfortunately the funds disappear from my bank account before I'm able to feed that niggle.

However ... before the end of the year, I'll be going on two interstate holidays. One to Adelaide, and one to Sydney/South Coast. It will actually be my third trip to NSW this year. I hope my dad feels spoilt! Plus a special little girl is turning 2, so I'll be making sure my trip coincides with the celebrations. I'll do anything for fairy bread. Well, almost anything.

Interstate schminterstate though. I need to take myself on a proper holiday. A little encouragement from a friend (who suggested I take myself on a romantic holiday to Paris, but then thought better of it realising that I'd be travelling solo) has prompted me to research, and my aim is to head to New Zealand in February of next year. Flights are marginally more expensive than flights to Adelaide, so I'd be silly not to make the most of it.

I'm sure once I get back I'll be raring to go on more holidays, so hopefully I'll be able to save the funds to take myself on a full-blown overseas trip in around a years time. I'm thinking Europe. Anyone want to come with?


Edit: Okay, so turns out I'm being more impulsive that I ever thought possible. The thought is now in my head that I will be going to Paris in February next year! Time to start saving!


mylittlebecky said...
May 27, 2009 at 6:13 AM

ooo this sounds exciting! i wish i could travel more as well. maybe soon, is what i always end up saying. also? i am stealing the word niggle.

ps very pretty blog :)

Gemma said...
May 27, 2009 at 8:31 PM

I've been saying that I'll travel for years, but I'm embracing the adventures of life and just going for it now :)
Niggle is a great word!
Thankyou :)

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