Always starts out like this ...

Whenever I start a blog, I make a ridiculous amount of posts in the first couple of days, then it dies off. I'll try not to do it this time. Promise.

I do have a point, I'm not just blogging for the sake of it. Today's subject is: Music.

Music is such a big part of who I am. As I mentioned in my previous post, rarely a day goes by where I don't listen to music, and when those rare days occur, I feel as though I've missed out on something.
I could probably pick an appropriate song for every poignant moment in my life. I find motivation in songs. Two tattoos that I want are actually the names of songs.

My taste is very eclectic. Currently I'm listening to a bit of ska, thanks to a lovely friend re-introducing me to the kind of music I enjoyed as a teenager, while ripping a Michael Buble CD to my computer. Makes perfect sense.

I'll listen to pretty much any kind of music, and will listen to pretty much any song once. If I love it, I'll probably play it to death, or flick through the radio stations until I hear it again.

"This music is the glue of the world Mark. It's what holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless." ~ Eddie: Empire Records


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